So, we woke up the other morning to some honking. And it wasn't a car. But it wouldn't stop, and it was 5:30 in the morning. Finally, Naomi got out of bed and went outside to check, and said, "They're back!" Well, it turns out that the previous evening, we heard a similar honking, and when we went outside we saw a large Egyptian goose, pacing back and forth near the pool, honking. We didn't know what the commotion was about, until we spotted three little gooslings swimming in the pool. It turns out, mom knows how to get in and out of the pool, but the kiddies don't! Begin round one of wildlife rescue! I got the pool net and gently scooped up the babies and helped them out of the pool! Success!
The next morning, they were back. And this time, we were able to catch all the exciting action on film. Enjoy.